2nd Annual "Welcome Home Veterans" Event Honors Local Veterans
If you have been alive any length of time you have encountered a Veteran. We are generally familiar with Veterans we know personally; a relative, a neighbor, a co-worker, a friend, or even just a light acquaintance. But what about all those encounters with Veterans that we were ignorant of. The homeless person, drug addict, apparent outcast, or even suicide. How often are these people ignored, humiliated, disgraced, and yes….forgotten? Why?
Ravages of War Continue to Ravage Veterans
Unfortunately, the endless wars, conflicts, military actions, peace keeping missions and so on across the world have kept the United States well stocked with military Veterans and military funerals and burials. This having occurred since our country’s original fight for freedom would lead one to believe our nation, our government would have better systems in place for our Veterans by now. The truth is we have been pitifully lacking from the beginning.
Finally, we are seeing an outcry and response for increased services and support for the patriots who have defended our freedom. Better health care, better evaluations for returning military personnel, increased employment and education opportunities, and better support for military veterans and military families. But as a whole we still fall tragically short.
So who picks up the slack?
Local Veteran’s Organizations Respond to Veteran’s Needs
Veteran’s organizations in our communities. Sure, there are many national organizations that do great things. But it is your local VFW, American Legion, Marine Corp League, Veteran’s Service Officer, DAV Chapter, and many others that do the heavy lifting. I have yet to attend one meeting or event that is sponsored by one of these groups or individuals that is not directly involved with helping real people in real crisis situations. It is a sacred brother and sisterhood, a family born of blood and sacrifice, but more importantly loyalty and patriotism. They do not ignore that homeless Vet, that lost Vet, that Vet whose pride will not allow him to ask for an extra blanket or food. They see a need and they respond, as should we all.
A “Party” With a Purpose. Honor and Support Your Local Veterans
So, get to know your local Veterans and the organizations who support and celebrate them. The chance to do this is fast approaching. The 2nd Annual Welcome Home Veterans Event is being held on October 31, 2020. Thanks to the efforts of American Legion Posts 532 of Hayesville, 96 of Murphy, and 192 of Robbinsville along with many other local Veteran’s organizations and the immense generosity of Ivie Funeral Home. This Tribute will begin in Andrews, North Carolina with a parade that morning that will culminate at the Western Carolina Regional Airport where additional festivities will commence at 11:00 am and finish by 2:00pm. This is a family-oriented event that will include military flyovers, planes on display, vintage automobiles, motorcycles, a chili cookoff, complimentary lunch, and much more. Also, on site; Cherokee County Veteran’s Service Officer John Giddens will be present. John serves all the surrounding counties as well as many North Georgia counties. He is organizing Stand Down services for any Veteran present who is in need.
While this sounds like a big party (and it will be) consider why this party is necessary: Veterans. So, go out and take the kids, grab some free grub and admire the planes. But while you're there get to know your local Vets and Veteran’s organizations. See how you can help, volunteer, donate, at least appreciate and please; if you are breathing free air Thank a Veteran.