Corned Beef and Beervangelism
The Parson’s Pub is a family owned establishment in downtown Murphy offering an impressive variety of regional beers. The Beck family also boasts savory food and a beer club with the goal of becoming a Beervangelist. That’s right, after savoring 100 different beers at Parson’s Pub, you officially earn the infamous mug and status. Watch Colby share about their beer club and the deliciousness they will be serving at Forks & Corks – Local Savor with Sherry and Becca on WKRK’s Facebook Live.
It may take a while, but with each visit you can enjoy the company of locals and meet visitors, perhaps even ask a God question, and before you know it, you’ll officially become a Beervangelist. We recommend the Giant Pretzels with Guinness cheese or the Shepherd’s Pie, paired deliciously with a craft beer. Get your ticket to the 5th Annual Forks & Corks – Local Savor and be sure to visit the Parson’s Pub to see what they’re sampling on June 6th at The Hackney Warehouse in Murphy!